About the pleasure of living…
Life is a game. It’s an experience.
Whether it’s a joyful experience or not, it’s still an incredible gift to just be. You may be going through a period of suffering and hardship, or you may be feeling blissfully happy. Whatever your experience is at this moment, the universe takes pleasure in your existence.
But what does that really mean?
It means that you are the universe; you are the vibrational energy that all life consists of. You are consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. And like a child exploring new things and feeling delight and curiosity in all its explorations, so is consciousness experiencing new things through you.
It is always present, aligning your experiences with how you're feeling on a daily basis. So if you're not feeling good, find a way to make a shift. Even the smallest shift in your perception that provides relief from pain, discomfort, sadness, or anger can create movement in a more positive direction.
Consciously decide to shift your focus towards a more pleasurable experience, and you can only find that your experience will change. Match the vibration of the reality you want, and you can’t help but get exactly that. You are the universe dancing its magical dance. You are the universe, learning, experiencing, and constantly expanding. As Einstein says, "This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Take a deep breath and know that the universe takes pleasure in your existence.