How to raise your vibration…

How do you make the unconscious conscious? 

The answer is simple: It’s not hard, and you can practice it anytime, anywhere, and in any situation.  All you have to do is gently remind yourself to do the following:

Observe your reality without:

These three words will guide you towards ever-increasing levels of consciousness.

As you do this, you’ll become more aware of negative thoughts, beliefs that hinder you, or emotions that control your life. 

And with increasing awareness, you can make new and empowered choices. You get the opportunity to choose.

Do I like this thought?
Does this belief make me feel good?
Is this in alignment with what I want?
What happens when I decide to let go of this thought?
What new choice can I make?
What new belief can I create that feels better?

Through this process, you can become the creator of your experiences.

Try it and watch the magic happen!

Much love,



Ask yourself this…


About the pleasure of living…