Are you pushing or allowing?
Are you pushing yourself?
Are you trying to control a situation?
Are you forcing things into being?
Are you anxious, worried, or frustrated?
Does your body feel tense?
If your answer is yes to any or all of these questions, it’s time to let go!
Take a break.
Go for a walk.
Watch a movie.
Anything to distract yourself from the vibe you’re in right now.
I know that when you’re worried about a million things, the last thing you want to do is distract yourself with something fun.
I’ve been there ;).
But you can never solve a problem or resolve a worry by “pecking at it” incessantly.
Taking a break doesn’t mean letting go of the things you are trying to accomplish. It means loosening your grip on the wheel of your metaphorical car before you veer off into the bushes! You can’t squeeze a garden hose tightly and expect water to come out. If you’re trying to manifest things that way, you may push the needle forward a bit, but you’re making it so much harder than it needs to be.
Pushing is not the way to leverage your intuition or the universe.
Your intuition requires a receptive environment to bring the perfect answers right when needed.
When your energy is too tense, chances are you won’t “hear” it.
Your soul knows what you want, and it knows the easiest, most fun way to get it, but you have to allow that path to unfold. You can’t force it, push it, or knock it into place.
Allow the magic to happen!