Manifesting? Schmanifesting!

Hi there,

OK, I’ll admit, this post is meaty. But how else are we gonna go in-depth, right?

The good news is that you can always just watch the YouTube videos! The accompanying visuals make the whole thing digestible and very relaxing.

Still, if you’ve decided to grab a cup of joe and settle in for a nice cozy read, I’ll get right to it. Let’s go!

We all want something. Whether it’s world peace, inner peace, or a brand new Lamborghini, we humans like to reach for things. But underneath all desires, we all have one common desire: to feel good.

So, how can we experience that feeling more often than not? How can we have what we want? In short, how can we create the reality we desire?

This post covers the essence of conscious creation.

For some time now, many of us have begun to realize that we create our own reality. Most people know about or have at least heard of the law of attraction. A universal law that suggests that our thoughts and feelings influence what happens in our lives. It's based on the idea that we attract what we put out into the universe.

But there’s a lot of confusion around this topic. If you’re looking for more clarity, this article explains exactly how conscious creation works and what steps you can take today to become a happier conscious creator yourself.

Because when you understand how it all works, you can speed up your manifestations, but more importantly, you’ll feel empowered and happy. And that is my wish for you. Because happiness is contagious. The better you feel, the more you can spread the love, and I’m sure we can all agree that the world can always use more happy people.

 So, let’s get into it…

There are a few key elements we need to understand if we want to tune into the magic of life.

  • First, we need to look into how the universe works; what are the basic universal laws we need to be aware of?

  • Second, we need to know how we create obstacles on our path and how we can avoid unnecessary problems.

  • Third, we need to be aware of how our mind works and how we can use it to create the reality we desire. 

  • And finally, we need to understand exactly how energy becomes what we perceive as matter and how our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape our reality.

We’re going to cover all of these in this post, but let’s start with the first one. 

What is universal energy, and how does it work?



The short answer is… energy-consciousness.

Everything in the universe is energy permeated with consciousness, including you. 

And, because YOU are an intricate part of the universe, your mere presence affects all reality. You’re always participating in the creative process of the universe, whether you’re doing it consciously or not.

Let’s zoom out and look at it, first from a scientific and then from a spiritual perspective. 

The following words by some of the most forward-thinking scientists of our time help paint a picture of what energy consciousness is.

“The entire universe is permeated by a sea of energy we cannot normally perceive.”  Albert Einstein

“Everything in the universe is made of particles, dancing to the laws of physics.” Stephen Hawking

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative of consciousness.” Max Planck

So, if we put these three observations together, here’s what they say: 

The universe is permeated by an invisible field of energy that resonates and vibrates at different levels of consciousness. All things arise from this field, which follows certain laws to create everything in existence. 

In other words, it’s a field of infinitely expanding conscious energy. Now, let’s zoom back in to get a sense of what this means to us, human beings. 

Look at your hand for a moment. It looks solid. It feels solid. You don’t doubt its existence. But if you were to look deep into the cells of your hand and into the molecular and subatomic particles of those cells, all you would find is wave-like vibrating energy. Einstein’s well-known equation, E=mc2, tells us that matter is merely a type of energy. It’s stored energy, temporarily molded to construct the physical objects around us.

For years, researchers have been examining the behavior of this energy. British theoretical physicist Peter Higgs postulated in the 1960s that space is permeated by an unseen energy field. The Higgs boson particle was discovered in 2012, supporting his theory and demonstrating that everything is composed of vibration, despite the appearance that there’s NO-thing vibrating. It’s as if there’s an invisible dancer hidden in the ballet of the universe. 

We have harnessed the power of this invisible dancer in many ways. In the medical field, for example, we use X-ray scanners, MRIs, and EEGs to measure brainwaves. In our daily lives, we make use of radio waves, microwaves, cell phone technology, and much more. So, we already use our understanding of this field to our advantage.

But we don’t need science or technology to prove the existence of this field to us. As many of us already know, we can all tune into it. We are part of it, and it is part of us.

This is the stuff mystics and spiritual teachers have been talking about for ages. Eastern cultures call this energy field chi or prana. It’s also referred to as source energy or infinite intelligence. And our personal, individual energy field is often referred to as our soul, higher self, or inner being. These, however, are all just words we use to try and make sense of the one field and how it works.

So, if we are part of this conscious energy field that creates everything, how can we become more active participants in this universal dance? We need to know how it works.


We need to understand the energy dynamics of the infinite field. The inner workings of the universe have been explained in many ways by many different teachers, but the basics are always the same. Here are the main principles to keep in mind: We’ll start with the most commonly known ones related to the law of attraction and then move on to the ones that will really make a difference if you want to manifest things the easy way…


In every moment of your existence, you interact vibrationally with the field of consciousness through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Your experience of reality is a reflection of your vibrational state. This is because of the law of attraction.

If we want to change our reality, we have to come to terms with the fact that we attract what we are, not what we want. Meaning that the energy we emanate is creating our experiences.

 The law of attraction is a very accurate feedback system. What we put out is what we get back. This idea can cause frustration because it’s not always obvious how we attract situations we clearly don’t want. Sometimes we need to take a step back and raise our awareness of our dominant vibrational state of being.

It’s also important to remind ourselves that life automatically comes with challenges, no matter how optimistic or awakened we are. The law of attraction is not a reason for us to beat up on ourselves when things don’t go exactly as planned. It’s a helpful feedback system to guide us into a different perspective and a higher vibrational state. 

With practice, as we become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, we can make adjustments where needed in our approach to life. 

In a moment, we’ll look into how we inadvertently create unwanted experiences, but for now, let’s remember this: thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are made of energy. They have a vibrational, creative power and are always in the process of molding, shaping, and attracting our reality.



You may have heard the phrase “like attracts like.”

This is another way of looking at the law of attraction. It’s best understood through the example of a tuning fork. When you tap a tuning fork, it begins to vibrate at a certain rate. If you were to hold a second tuning fork close by, without the two touching, the second one would begin to vibrate as well, even though it wasn't hit directly. This is known as sympathetic resonance. This phenomenon manifests itself in our lives as well. We are all made of energy. So, people can affect each other with their vibrations. That’s why hanging out with pessimistic people can have a negative effect on your mood. But it also works the other way around. If you are highly charged with positive energy, you can uplift others just by being you, just like the tuning forks. 

So, it’s important to be mindful of our moods and how we show up in the world. 

On to the next point…


So, what is that all about?

 This is where the magic of working with energy really kicks in.

 The universe operates on different levels of energy consciousness; the higher the level, the more energy can flow.

 There are many ways we can see this effect in action in our daily lives. Take the example of a lamp with a dimmer. When we increase the setting of the light dimmer, it allows more electricity to flow to the bulb per second. This increase in energy flow makes the bulb brighter.

 This process affects us as well. We’re a bit like light bulbs. Your body and soul are a conduit for energy; the less resistance you have, the more of it can flow through you. But, in essence, releasing resistance means that you align yourself with high vibrations like optimism, joy, appreciation, love, and faith. In ancient India, this effect was first illustrated using chakras, or swirling energy vortexes, located all along the human spine. The higher up the spine you go, the higher the vibrational frequency.

 So raising our vibration affects our manifestations. Because it allows the creative power of the universe to flow through us in more profound ways. Just like with the light bulb.

 This also automatically raises our level of consciousness, giving us access to higher levels of knowledge and wisdom. It allows us to receive intuitive insights and consciously create seemingly magical synchronicities.

 Like Paramahansa Yogananda said, “The so-called miraculous powers of great masters are a natural accompaniment to their exact understanding of subtle laws that operate the inner cosmos of consciousness.”

 Now, on to the last point…


This point is essential to understand if you want to manifest things the easy way. The truth is, you’re always manifesting your reality; it’s impossible not to. But you can either make it an uplifting and inspiring adventure or an uphill battle, and here’s what will make the difference.

Quantum physics demonstrates something called wave-particle duality. This shows us that matter can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. 

Here, quantum physicists have stumbled upon another expression of how the universe works—this sea of energy is infinite, wave-like potential. When we focus our attention on something, the field begins to respond to our focus. Our focus works like a magic wand. Through this mechanism, we create what we perceive as particles, as matter, or, in other words, as our reality. 

But since the starting point of any idea is always infinite wave-like potential, there are many ways that our desired reality can manifest, and the easiest way will depend on our ability to let go and allow the process to unfold. 

Doing this allows the infinite wave-like field of potential to collapse into the particle-like reality we desire, in the easiest way possible.      

Let’s use the analogy of how our muscles function to clarify this. If we want to grow new muscle fibers we have to use pressure to create a muscle contraction. But we also need rest and relaxation to allow the body to rebuild the tissue. Otherwise, the muscle can’t grow properly.

So how can we apply this to the art of manifesting? 

First, we use the power of our conscious mind to focus on what we would like to experience. We contract our mind muscles, so to speak. We picture our desired reality and imagine what it would feel like, but then we have to let go.

And here’s why: the infinite field of potential will show us the easiest way to our desired outcome. 

By focusing on what we want, we give the field an impression of our desire. We literally impress the field with our wishes. When we release the tension of the desire, the field will reveal to us, by way of our intuition, the best path to take to match our desired outcome, or in some cases, something even better than we imagined. 

So, even though it feels good to be in control, which is great—we are powerful creators and we love feeling like the masters of our existence—the practice of letting go is essential if you want your manifesting adventure to be a joyous one.

Because the universe uses a strange paradoxical way to manifest things: a yin-yang-like approach. A dance of duality between focusing and letting go; contraction and relaxation.

If we want to master this dance, we need to use our ability to focus in combination with a relaxed approach to our goals. It’s this flow between deliberate focus and complete relaxation that is the key to unlocking smooth manifestation. 

When we follow this flow, we are one with the field, and as a result, we automatically experience the joy of life.

Of course, we don’t live in a perfect world, and we can’t be chill and in the flow all the time. That’s not how it goes. But like Eckhart Tolle says, “All problems are illusions of the mind.” So it’s important to become aware of our worries, doubts, and fears and practice the art of letting go. 

The truth is that you’re infinite creative energy in a body. You’re here to enjoy life and share the magic of your creations with others. That’s your essence. When you set goals you’re passionate about and are happily looking forward to their manifestation, your path will reveal itself in the best way possible for you.

And that brings us to the end of Part 1. In the next part, we’ll cover how we create blocks and limiting beliefs and how we can use the different levels of the mind to manifest our dreams.


Now that we’ve covered the universal principles, let’s take a look at how we, as human beings, interact with reality, how we create limiting beliefs and therefore obstacles on our path, and how we can more easily materialize what we want instead. 

Imagine for a moment that before you were born, before your consciousness manifested into a physical body, you were individualized consciousness floating in an infinite, creative cosmic ocean. 

When you incarnate into your physical body, you have to learn how to function in this world because the physical experience is very different from the non-physical one. 

You are given a name so that people can identify you and separate you from others. The mechanics of your nervous system enable you to learn how to walk, talk, and do many other wonderful things. Your senses allow you to experience and interpret the vibrational world around you. They allow you to see, hear, taste, smell, and touch things. Your nervous system is an intricate, vast network of connections that moves, grows, and sends impulses throughout every millimeter of your body. It’s a masterpiece of creation that allows you to interact with your reality.

When we are born, we’re still very much aligned with the pure positive energy of the non-physical. 

This energy also resonates with our innately human desires like love, connection, comfort, and a full expression of our individuality. We are here to shine and share our presence generously with others. And we naturally want to manifest that state. 

But in order for us to reach our full potential, just as a flower needs healthy soil, water, sunlight, and pruning, we also need other people's love, care, support, and guidance. When we are children, we’re vulnerable and impressionable. We depend on others for our survival. And because of this, we need to maintain a connection with the people that guide us in early life: our family, our community, and so on. As a result, we tend to adjust our behavior to fit the circumstances and the surroundings in which we are raised. 

Sometimes this means we adapt in ways that aren’t aligned with our true nature. As I said before, energy is contagious, and since we’re more impressionable in the early years of our lives, we pick up on the energy of the people around us. In our fast-paced society where stress is almost everywhere, many of us grew up in a stressful environment. We picked up on and adjusted to negative energy and limiting beliefs, and we often fell prey to the fears of the people around us, fears that have been passed on from generation to generation.

As we adapt to our surroundings, our experiences start to shape our beliefs, and our beliefs eventually become our reality. Because of the law of attraction, we continue to attract similar situations into our lives, and over time, we begin to create a story about who we are. Our story is the way we see ourselves. It’s what we tell ourselves about who we are and how we believe others perceive us. It’s a collection of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs we’ve picked up along the way, and as we have built one on top of the other, they have become who we think we are. It’s like a biographical self

This story is not necessarily about who we really are. For most, it’s not what our soul energy is aligned with. It’s no longer an expression of our true selves. 

Depending on the circumstances you were born into, you have learned different things. You have your own set of beliefs, and your story will be different from anyone else’s. 

But it’s important that we realize that that’s all it is: a story. And by understanding the law of attraction we now know, we can change our story if we choose to do so. We can redirect our focus and start creating a new reality. In short, we can change our minds. 

To do this, it’s helpful to know how the mind works. Because, even though it’s a wonderful tool, it can also play tricks on us.


In the previous video, we discussed how the universe is a multi-dimensional field—an infinite, all-encompassing, ever-expanding, interconnected sea of energy-consciousness. All levels of the mind are one with this field. 

But infinity is a concept hard to get the mind around. So, to make things more tangible, let’s say we experience the universe through the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious, or higher mind. Let’s look at these levels of the mind and how they help us create our reality. 

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is how we experience our moment-to-moment awareness. It’s the part of your mind that is aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. Your conscious mind is (reading or ) listening to these words right now. It experiences the present moment and has the power to direct our attention. It allows us to decide, moment-to-moment, what we focus on. 

The gift of the conscious mind is that we can direct it like a magic wand. We can decide what to focus on, and our focus, through the law of attraction, will generate more of the same energy.

So, the conscious mind is important because it gives us the possibility of choice and allows us to perceive our reality in the present moment—the here and now.

The pitfall of the conscious mind, however, is that when it tries to reach too far beyond the limits of the present moment, it starts to create confusion within us. Here’s why…

On a physical level, the conscious mind is associated with the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain manages day-to-day tasks, short-term memory, and focus. It also governs willpower. However, the capacity of the conscious mind is limited. It’s like a small tank of gas. When we try to focus on too many tasks at once, we get drained quickly. 

Also, when we try to dig too far into the past to find explanations for our problems or start to worry about the future, the conscious mind gets confused. It’s not designed to dwell on the past or worry about the future. Our conscious mind is primarily a focusing and experiencing tool. 

When we try to solve problems using only the wonderful yet limited abilities of the conscious mind, we begin to worry and overthink things. We lose connection with our intuitive, higher mind, and we feel blocked. The more we do this, the more negative thought patterns we create, which brings us to the next level of the mind…

The Subconscious Mind 

The subconscious mind is where automatic, habitual energy patterns are formed. This “habit energy” is a collection of thoughts, feelings, and actions we have automated and can access instantaneously.

The upside of this is that the subconscious mind can automate things through imitation. Simply put, the subconscious mind imitates the input it gets from the conscious mind. 

On a physical level, this manifests itself in our nervous system as neural connections. This allows us to recognize things and automate repeated behaviors, like riding a bike or playing the piano. These things are hard to learn at first, but with repetition, they become easy. 

Because of this, we don’t need to relearn what a tree is every time we see one, or we automatically remember that fire can burn us, but it can also keep us warm and illuminate our surroundings. Once the neural connection is formed, we automatically retrieve the information when needed.

This process of automation is an amazing tool that allows us to create and experience wonderful things in life. 

The downside of this system is that it can also automate negative experiences and create bad habits. The environment we’re exposed to, whether positive or negative, affects the subconscious mind. Because what we experience or think with our conscious mind is easily impressed upon the subconscious.

This is the underlying cause of PTSD and other mental and emotional problems we face in our society today. The subconscious mind is where automatic negative thoughts, invisible limiting beliefs, and repressed emotions or instincts “live,” so to speak. 

As mentioned before, the law of attraction continues to bring us life situations that confirm our limiting beliefs and habitual patterns until we become aware of them and decide to free ourselves by making a new conscious choice.

But let’s clear up a common misconception. Many people still think that to find limiting beliefs, we need to dig deep into our subconscious mind. The analogy often used is that of an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg, the visible part, represents our conscious thoughts and feelings, and the bigger part, below the surface, represents our subconscious mind. 

And, yes, sometimes our subconscious patterns feel beyond our reach. But we don’t need to dig deep to find them. They will reveal themselves under the right circumstances.

The subconscious mind has a higher vibrational nature than the conscious mind. So, if we want to get clarity about our beliefs, it helps to lighten up and relax. Not to go digging deeper. Because there is no vibrational reality “deeper” or "lower,” so to speak, than the conscious mind. And, as mentioned before, trying to use the conscious mind to find limiting beliefs will create more confusion.

Letting go connects us with the present moment, which allows the beliefs that hold us back to surface naturally. So, hopefully, that can be an invitation for you to have more fun, relax, and enjoy the ride as much and as often as possible.

And there’s more good news: we’re not doing all of this alone. The infinite field, the true source of who we are, never stops calling us to make a change where possible. This infinite part of us continually invites us to create transformation. A transformation that allows us to feel the joy of life more profoundly and share the gift of who we truly are with others. 

and that brings us to the… 

The Superconscious or Higher Mind

The superconscious mind is your direct connection with the infinite field. It’s where you tap into your higher guidance or intuition. When you’re aligned with the higher mind, you experience clarity and confidence. This is where new ideas, aha moments, and inspired impulses come from. By working with the higher mind, we can experience seemingly magical chance meetings and serendipitous moments. 

This part of the field is like our own personal, infinitely wise sage, always there to guide us on our life journey. What we label miraculous can happen when we tune into our higher mind. It shows us our unique path of least resistance when we allow it to, but we need to let go and let our intuition light the way. Then the journey becomes magical. 

So how do we access this superpower? 

Just like with the subconscious mind, accessing your intuition can feel like a challenge. It can feel like something beyond your reach, but the truth is that this guidance is always accessible to us.

The best way to start working with the higher mind is to ask specific questions, focus on the FEELING of your desired outcome, and then relax and let go of all your expectations of how things will manifest. Soon enough, answers, ideas, and new opportunities will open up to help you create the change you desire. 

Now let’s look into the physics of how energy becomes physical matter. Once you understand this part of the manifesting process, you should feel ready to hit the ground running…


So how do our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape our reality?

We saw earlier that the universe is permeated by an invisible field of energy vibrating at different levels of consciousness, and everything in existence arises from this field by following certain laws. When we impress this field with our thoughts, we set the creative process in motion.  

Essentially, it works like this:

All manifestations start with an idea or a thought. When we add feelings to our thoughts, they become a more active expression of our vibration. When we consistently repeat the same or similar thoughts and feelings, they become convictions or beliefs, and our beliefs manifest our perceivable reality.

Let’s use the analogy of the different states of water to clarify this point. As we know, water molecules behave differently depending on the temperature they’re exposed to. The three common states of water are steam, water, and ice. 

Now let’s imagine that our thoughts are like steam, our feelings are like water, and our beliefs are like ice, each representing a different vibrational state in the manifesting process. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these…

Steam is likened to thoughts. 

From an energy perspective, our thoughts are like steam. The energy of a thought or an idea is flexible and changeable. Like Steam, it’s light, and you can play with it. 

For example, you can choose to think, “I love driving,” and the next second, you can choose to think, “I hate driving.” You don’t have to put much effort into changing from the first thought to the second one. Your personal opinion about driving, which is always informed by your experiences, may vary, but that doesn’t prevent you from making a conscious choice about what to think. So, thought energy is quite moldable and can be changed relatively quickly.

The activity of thinking could be considered the first stage of conscious creation; we decide what we want, and then we consciously direct our thoughts to align with those desires. In this stage, we have the flexibility to play around with different ideas and options. 

Once we’ve decided what we want, we can consciously and consistently direct our thoughts, and in the process, we set in motion the molding of energy into the reality we desire to manifest.

Next up are feelings.

Water is likened to feelings. 

From an energy perspective, our feelings are like water. The energy of our feelings is still flexible, but not as flexible as our thoughts. When you move your hand through steam, you’ll feel very little resistance, but moving your hand through a body of water feels tangible. You can feel the flowy resistance of the water molecules against your skin. Like water, our feelings are of a denser vibrational nature. That’s why we experience them more deeply than thoughts.

And even though we can shift feelings, depending on how strong they are, it takes more work. You can switch between two opposing thoughts relatively easily. But it can be quite tricky to switch quickly between two opposing emotions.  

Nevertheless, for a smooth manifesting journey, we need to mind our moods. Because feelings have a deeper impact on our results than thoughts, ideally, we have to keep our feelings aligned and flowing in the general direction of our desires.. 

When our feelings are predominantly positive, we’re more likely to manifest what we want because we’re aligned with the universal field. Of course, we can’t be positive all the time. Life comes with challenges; sometimes we must take a beat to recover and manage our emotions. But keeping our emotional vibrations high is the general idea. 

Now, on to the next state…

Ice is likened to beliefs. 

From an energy perspective, your beliefs are like ice in this analogy. 

What does that mean? It means that, unlike thoughts and feelings, our beliefs have a more solid creative effect. They create our tangible, perceivable reality. It may not always be easy or comfortable to accept, but what shows up in our reality is a direct reflection of our beliefs, whether we’re aware of them or not.

This state of creation is where our thoughts and feelings have solidified. Our beliefs are like the structure that keeps our reality in place. They create our world, and we can perceive them with our senses as much as we can perceive a block of ice. It is solid and tangible.

Here’s why this is so important to understand: Our beliefs are often ingrained in our worldview. What we believe matters to us, and from those beliefs, we create the matter that makes up our reality. 

But, as history shows us, beliefs can be misleading. Human beings have believed all sorts of crazy things throughout the ages, and our perspective on reality keeps changing as we evolve. 

The same is true for our personal histories. Our life experiences create our beliefs. Some of those beliefs are very helpful, but the ones that aren’t will block our progress until we change them. And we all have beliefs that can use some tweaking. Some are obvious to us; others are less visible. But if we want to change anything about our physical reality, we must look not only at our thoughts and feelings but also, and most importantly, at what we believe.

So, in a nutshell, this is how creation works. What we think, feel, and believe creates our reality. 

And we’ve all seen this process in action. Can you think of something you wanted so badly that, no matter what, you decided it was going to happen? You focused on it, and you truly believed it. It was not a fleeting thought or a subtle feeling. It was a belief. A certainty. You knew it was going to happen. And eventually, it became a reality. 

This is the simplicity of conscious creation.

Unfortunately, many people are still unaware of how this process works, and they inadvertently create a reality they don’t enjoy and feel powerless to change it. 

But even when you’re fully aware of the law of attraction and how the universe works, it can still be challenging to transform unwanted manifestations in your life. That’s because human beings are very good at adjusting to adversity. Sometimes we hide parts of ourselves in the recesses of our subconscious mind until we’re ready to face them. We may even be fully aware of what is hindering us and still struggle to change it. 

Nevertheless, since everything is energy, there are many ways to play around with it and shape it into the reality we desire without using force.

It may require self-reflection, self-care, and, most of all, a willingness to change. But if we can learn to relax, let go, and allow our intuition to join in on the game, our self-imposed limitations will reveal themselves. With that new awareness, we can make new and improved choices for ourselves and the generations that follow.


As we wrap things up, let’s answer this question: Can we manifest whatever we want?

In essence, yes. We have the freedom and the potential to create the reality we desire, whatever that looks like. But, earlier, we touched upon the importance of our intuition and how it guides us on our journey. 

What we call intuition is the part of us that is intricately connected to the universal energy field. It holds the bigger picture of our soul’s broader intention. There are certain things we desire to experience not only from a human perspective but also from a soul perspective and even from a collective perspective.

So, there’s always a higher guiding element to our life experience. This higher guidance is not separate from us; it’s a part of us. It’s essentially who we are.

If we want our experience to be as pleasurable as possible, we need to align with this infinite self. That way, we avoid unnecessary hardship. If we use force to try and manifest something, we may either fail in our attempt or manifest things that, in the end, don’t make us happy.

There’s nothing wrong with that because the universe doesn’t judge. So, whatever you decide, it’s all part of your journey. It’s just a lot more fun to create your experiences in collaboration with the infinite field and your inner guidance, simply because it feels amazing.

And with that, we’ve come full circle with the beginning statement of this series:

We all want something. But underneath our desires, we all have one common desire: to feel good…

So why not start there?

Because, as we’ve discussed, the more we tune into a positive approach in the present moment, the more positive experiences we draw into our reality. 

Ok, that’s a wrap, folks! I’m so happy you joined me today, and I truly hope this information will help you have more fun on your journey. 

Happy Manifesting! 




Are you pushing or allowing?