Ask yourself this…

Everything is energy!

Following your joy really is all about aligning with GOOD, GOOD, GOOD, GOOD VIBRATIONS! 

The BETTER YOU FEEL, the more “GOOD STUFF” comes into your life! 

So when you find yourself waking up on the “wrong” side of the bed, ask yourself, “What is my point of attraction?”

If you’re not feeling great, why not take a moment right then and there to change things around? 

Many years ago, when I was learning about energy, frequencies, and vibrations, I started getting up at 5 a.m. I would meditate, journal, and daydream about the things I wanted to do and experience. 

I made a conscious decision that I wanted to feel better every day, regardless of my circumstances. It turned out to be a decision that changed my life. 

And it didn’t feel like a chore. 

In fact, it was very pleasurable. 

You can do this any time of the day, although mornings tend to be the easiest way to make it a daily habit.

Here are some things you can do to get into a good vibration:

  • Make a delicious cup of coffee (yum!) or your favorite tea, and just sit and think about the things you appreciate in your life. Don’t force the “attitude of gratitude,” but just appreciate the little things in your life that make you feel good. You may have to get up a little earlier if you have a family because it does require some alone time.

  • Go for a nature walk first thing in the morning and appreciate the beauty of your surroundings (this can also be a walk in your own backyard, btw!).

  • Make a playlist of your favorite songs and put it on in the morning on your way to work or while you’re preparing for the day.

As you change your point of attraction, you’ll start to notice the quality of your life changing. The law of attraction works, and it works all the time. So you might as well line up with the good stuff!

Always remember that you create the magic!




Are you pushing or allowing?


How to raise your vibration…